Become a man/woman who you are and not who they want you to be
Everyone watches films. Have you ever wondered that you are that superhero in a superhero movie? In my childhood, I thought that I was spiderman. But if we take an example in real life we are not accepting new opportunities in our life.we are taking the opportunities which are accompanied by others. For example, we are studying to become engineers and doctors. But there are other studies like architecture, story writer, artist, or if you are good at it a sportsperson. The reason I am telling you this is that you are not making your talent work. But you are hiding it for other jobs, or saying it very simple, you don’t want to be yourself. You want to be someone else. Do not hide your talents in front of others. Show them that you can do better things than others. If you couldn’t find talent on your own, don’t worry. Everyone is born with talent; you just have to unveil it. But don’t forget to be yourselves.