Death: A Friend or Foe
We all know what the meaning of farewell is when we leave someone or they leave us. It is regrettable when someone we love leaves us. Death is also a farewell when someone who loves us much leaves to do somewhere, not know. When I was studying, there was a poem known as “Death the leveler. “It’s a good poem. It tells that Death brings equality to humanity. When we are born rich or poor, everyone dies in the same way.
We are born with everything, but when we die, nobody can help us because we are going to meet our creator. Have you ever wondered how God looks? Does he have long hair? Is he tall? We do not know. Like William Shakespeare says, “The world is a stage, we are characters we do our role, and we end our role.” I know it is not exactly what William Shakespeare says, but I understood that the stage is the world, the actors in the scene are us, we do our role in the stage which mean we are born to do some extraordinary things if we want to be a popular guy or celebrity we are the main actors but if we do everything like others we are not the main character of that play after we finish our role we die that means our part is finished. Do not fear Death; it will come when its time.
It’s just like Death is apart of our life. Wherever we go, Death will be there. It is just like Death does not sleep is we are sleeping Death will be presenting watching us sleep, when we are doing dangerous things Death will be waiting to take our souls, Death is a friend and also a foe. If someone is in pain and he wants to die painlessly it will be like in a feeling like this” when we do a tough job for 12 hrs, and we sleep and get to know that tomorrow is a holiday “, Death will be our friend, but if we are in a happy mood and we do not expect to die that will be unfortunate.