In A Matter Of Time Part-5 “Still Trying ”
They were waiting inside and waiting for an opportunity to escape, but the security increased outside whenever time went on. Tim and Tom were talking about what will happen to them if they get caught. Tim was looking around while Tom talked with him and told Tom to stop talking and listen to what the guards said. “Hey, you inside, how is it going in there? You want to shift.” The guy kept asking the question, but Tom didn’t know he was talking to him. Then the officer asked, “Are you in there?” Tim then tells Tom that “Tom, he is talking with you.” Tom replies, “Nah, I’m cool, thanks for asking.” The officer says, “We bought some information that tomorrow, they will take the Tryxanium out of there.” Tom says that “Yeah, I’ve heard the news.”
Tim then tells Tom that “C’mon man, we got to find a way out of here.” Tim looks in the surroundings and found nothing. It was a closed room with one door. But he found out that there will be a minimal chance to get out of this place when the guards shift. But that chance was minimal, and they didn’t have a choice but to wait. Time went on, and they were terrified of what happens next, but, when they were waiting, someone opened the door. And their heart stopped beating for a moment. The time stood still. An officer came and was trying to open the Tryxanium, but Tim identified that man. He was an old friend of his father.
Tim came out of nowhere and jumped and said, “Mr.Nelson!” Nelson Jumped and was surprised to see Tim, and he said, “Tim, what are you doing here?” Tim asked the same question to Nelson that what he was doing here? Nelson had also retired from the army when the war was over. Tim said, “My dad’s some file was left here, and I came to pick it up. And there was an explosion, and I couldn’t move from here because if I go outside, they will think that I caused the explosion so I couldn’t get out of here” Nelson said, “I came to take the uniform.” Tim knew that Nelson was lying, but he ignored him and asked for help to get out of here. Nelson didn’t hesitate to help them, and he gave Tim a camouflage cloak and was surprised to see this, and he didn’t ask Nelson a single question because he knew that Nelson was trying to steal the Tryxanium and he stole the camouflage cloak from a lab in the base.
They got out, and Tom told one of the officers to watch inside and went outside. They found out that Tom’s car was broken to every inch, and they all got inside Nelson’s car and finally got outside of the base. Then Nelson asked Tim, “Now, where will I drop in your house or the Police Station.” Tim was surprised to hear it, and Nelson told Tim, “I know you were trying to steal the Tryxanium from the base.” Tim said, “No, why would I do that?” Then Nelson asked, “Then, what were you doing in that base? I need an answer.” Tim was Thinking and asked the same question to Nelson that “You knew that you were in the Tryxanium room, so it is you who really want to steal it, huh. So you might be the first one to go to jail, is it?” Nelson suddenly starts to laugh and told him, “I was kidding; you really got scared, right. I’ll drop you at Tom’s house.” They Reached Tom’s and house, and Nelson went. Tim told Tom to quicken the time machine because Nelson will come again for the Tryxanium.