In A Matter Of Time Part-3 The Only Chance
Tom was going to his house with his hoverboard. The hydrogen was finished in his hoverboard, so it could no longer float. He tried to find the hydrogen filler, but he couldn’t. He was stressed out and frustrated because he mistreated Tim. He was depressed of a sudden. But he didn’t want to take a risk. He walked to his home, and when he reached his home, his mother prepared food for him, but he ignored her and went to his room.
Tim was unfortunate, but he never gave up. He was getting ready to go to the base. He sneaked into his father’s room and took his id, and he took something off the table. But before he was going, he wanted to call Tom once more, and he wanted to make sure if he wanted to come.
Tim went to Tom’s house. Tim asked Tom’s mother, “Is Tom in his room?” His mother replied, “Yeah, he looked a bit depressed. And please give this to him.” So Tim replied, “Yes, Mrs. Delena.” Tim was going to Tom’s room, but Tom was coming down from his room, and he ignored Tim and told Delena, “Mom, I’m going with Tim, so I’ll be late today.” His mom watched TV, and she waved her hands, and Tom kissed her cheek and went out with Tim. Tom and Tim reached in a coffee shop to discuss this matter.
Tim then asked Tom, “Tom, I will cause the distraction, and when I cause it to run as fast as you can.” Tim then says, “What? You will cause the distraction, bro; what are you thinking? You are the one who is creating this machine, and you want to die. And how can I finish the machine? I’ll go cause the distraction.” Tim then asks, “Sorry, I didn’t want to….” Tom then hugs Tim and tells him, “I have known you since childhood, and there were a lot of things that we agree and disagree, but that does not make us apart. I know you did everything for yourself, but it affected everyone. I’m always with you, bro.”
Tim then calls Tom and tells him, “I wanted to tell you that the reason for travel back in time is to spend my days with my mother. It’s only been 8 years since I spent time with her, and I couldn’t forget those days. It would make me cry by just remembering those days. I wanted to do the impossible, and all my hope lies in that book that was written by an “Albert Einstein,” I mean, he sounds east.” Tom tells Tim, “How will we enter this base?” Tim says, “Your dad’s HOV-MAGAR XXVI.” Tom then says, “Huh, it's a bit old, but I think it will work. I need to change the hover wheel and fuel it up, and I hope that will work. So when will we go there?” Tim says, “It’s very late now, so I think tomorrow in the morning. Tom agrees the time and says, “See you tomorrow, mate.” Tim walks towards his home, and his Stepmother was waiting and was unexpectedly angry with him; and she says, “Where the hell have you been? Huh, you know how worried was I. I thought something happened to you. I couldn’t eat, sit-stand, or sleep. Thank god you came right now; I wanted to call the cops.” Tim only says one sentence that “I Forgot to tell you.”