In a Matter of Time PART-9 “This or That”
The man in the iron suit guides Tim and Tom to the castle. Tim asks, “So where does the king live? And are you the commander of the Army?” The man replies, “I wish I were. I am just a soldier in the army. I am a man who is ignored by everyone. And still, we fight for them. The people never learn.” Everyone looks at Tim and Tom as if they are not from this world. They were murmuring.
They reached the castle; two guards were standing beside the door. The guard asked the man, “What are you doing here, soldier?” The man says, “These guys want to talk with the king. They are travelers.” The guard stops the soldier and tells him, “You can stay here, and we will let them in.” Tim and Tom are inside the castle. The king was talking with one of his ministers and saw both of them coming. The king asks, “Welcome to Dragonsalvania, and I am king Baptisa VI. How can I help you? And why are you in my kingdom!” Tim says, “We came from a long way, and we want to return to our home, and our vehicle is lost in the dragon cave, so we need to get back.” The king asks them, “I heard that you two survived a dragon cave with leather-like suits, and, is that what you are wearing? Can you come closer?” Tim goes near the king and shows the cloth. The king was amazed to see it because it was so thick but so light. And the king asked them, “Where did you get this?” Tim says that he made it. The king says, “I will give anything; I need that dress because war is coming, and he needs to get ready.” Tim refused to give the dress at any price. The guards inside were angry, and the king told them to be calm. The king offered Tim that he wants something in return if he wants to get back to the dragon cave without the dragon inside.
The first offer he made was the king will give so much money and other riches that their generations can live without getting poor in return for the suit.
The second was that they would help them in the war to get rid of the Griffinderians and get into the dragon cave and go to their home without any harm.
The third was one of them should stay here to give the army some new ideas and make their force unbeatable in the whole world.
The three of the choices were unthinkable, and they, especially Tim, came back in time to visit his mother and spent some years with her. Tim has taken the second choice. He knows that he must choose but staying here won’t help him because the suit is the only way to get out of this timeline.