We all get angry, depressed, tired, happy, etc these all are suppose to happen to all of us at least a day. Have you ever wondered that we are happy in one day and sad the next day or if we are angry in a day and we will be happy the next day? Emotion changes to all of us. One that helps us to change our emotions is a good night's sleep.
Whenever we are having a good sleep we will be in a good mood in the next day, if we are having a bad sleep it will be a tiring day for us. We will be angry for a small reason. Whenever we grow older our sleeping time becomes smaller because if we sleep long we will be so tired(I am talking about people whose age 30+), whereas when we are young sleeping is really important whenever we get the time we sleep when we are under 10 years of age.
Sleeping is a thing that gives us relaxation and medicine. The reason why I say sleeping gives us relaxation is that just imagine if we are doing work for 8 hrs without rest and when we come home we go directly for the bed after we have done eating. The next day, you woke up early and when you were about to go to work there is a message that tells today is a holiday. You will have a feeling that cannot be expressed with words.
When it comes to the other hand sleeping is medicine because is that whenever we are having a small bleed or wounds or snake bite a good night's sleep is enough to heal all the wounds.
Sleeping is a good thing, but you don't want to forget early because if you want your health to be great you must also do exercise or to do yoga. Because these are good for you.